Rooney Mara
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Rooney's chart wheel

Rooney Mara

April, 17th 1985 Local Time Unknown Universal Time 5:00 PM

Bedford, New York, United States 41°12'N, 73°38'W

Forecast : 2nd March 2022 to 1st March 2023

Rooney Mara

April, 17th 1985 Local Time Unknown Universal Time 5:00 PM

Bedford, New York, United States 41°12'N, 73°38'W

All times based on current location of Bedford, United States

Jump to Planetary Positions

Love Life Forecast

Venus 'the planet of love' is what this two part report, is all about.

Part One - Love Expression

The signs the planets occupy and particularly the position of Venus reveals the kind of lover you are and how you express yourself when you are in love.

Part Two - Time for Romance

Venus, the planet of romance, is a pivotal influence in defining how you fall in love, stay in love and what you look for in a lover and 'soul mate'. It not only represents love and affection, but also harmony, cooperation and the way you feel about and react towards other people.

The 'transits' of Venus, as it moves through the Solar System, shows how you change, grow and develop when it comes to your relationships in general and your love life in particular.

In 'Love Life Forecast' we interpret only the transits that Venus will make to the other planetary bodies; Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as well as the Sun and Moon.

Love Life Forecast should only be used as a helpful guide for the periods indicated. At all times it is for you to make use of your most positive characteristics and the periods indicated.

Sometimes when a planet 'transits' a natal planet, it first appears to move forwards and then backwards for a period of time re-creating the same 'transit' several times. This apparent backwards motion is known as 'retrograde' motion. This is indicated by the RX retrograde symbol. The retrograde motion of the transiting planets cause some interpretations to repeat.

The illusion of the retrograde motion of the planets on their orbit - can be likened to when two trains travelling in the same direction, one train passes the other and from the view point of the person on the faster train, the slower train appears to be going backwards.

Astrologers treat triple transits quite seriously as it shows where you have an opportunity to think again about your actions before the aspect finally completes. This is in fact a fairly common event. It happens when the transiting planet goes retrograde - briefly, it means that the planet seems to go backwards from our viewpoint on Earth. The transiting planet contacts the natal planet first moving forward ("direct"), then it appears to reverse direction, contacting the natal planet a second time.

The transit can form a precise aspect three times forward/direct and twice backward/retrograde before it is totally over. The transit continues to be felt during the intervening period. You'll sometimes see the same transit "repeated" three, or even five times in a relatively short period.

Planets that form an aspect to a natal planet and then go stationary signal very potent and much longer-lasting effects. Direct planets which form such an aspect and then go retrograde can move over the same point several times, which prolongs the transit well beyond its normal "single pass" duration.

Whatever began on the "first contact" may seem to reverse itself, seemingly needing to be reconsidered and re-attempted... the scheme, conversation or relationship isn't going forward as originally expected. Then, when the retrograde is over, the transiting planet advances again ("goes direct"), and connects with the natal planet again!

So to sum up - some transit interpretations in your Love Life Forecast repeat when necessary and transiting planets will unavoidably appear to turn from direct to retrograde, and then back to direct again - and will often transit a natal planet several times.

Your Transit Calendar

Part One - Love Expression

The Sun, Mercury & Jupiter mirror your way of being, speaking and creating chances

Romance - how you act

Sun in Aries

Enthusiasm and immediate courage are at the centre of your nature. You are not one to count the cost. Action is the thing and straight away! You lead in new, innovative situations - full of energy and encouragement to everyone involved. Be careful you do not make things seem easier than they really are. For all your energy at the beginning, if things take too long, or become too involved, you can easily lose interest and, all be it unintentionally, leave people feeling let down. Patience and looking ahead are the qualities you most need to develop.

What you think and say about love

Mercury in Aries

You make your mind up quickly and enthusiastically, aiming to get things started with as little delay as possible. Your headstrong way of putting things across can cause ill-considered words and responses that were not intended. The enthusiasm of your statements can lead people into feeling commitments have been made that you did not intend. Feeling inadequate or immature, you are lost for words, or angrily over-defend yourself. You have the courage to say what you think and open up endless possibilities for others. Realise this is your strength and rejoice in your power.

How you create opportunities for romance

Jupiter in Aquarius

You create opportunities by taking the responsibilities of "the world" on your shoulders. You feel you understand everything and have to explain it to everyone. You engage in humanitarian projects, with boundless generosity. Your fascination for inventions and the unusual, suggests you seek change for its own sake. You do not always know best. Beware of over confidence. Be sensitive to those closest to you. Really knowing them creates the power to give them exactly what they need.

How you act, wonder and behave is revealed by your Venus, Mars and Neptune

When you are in love

Venus in Aries

You are easily infatuated and fall in love with hardly a thought for the consequences. Your sense of adventure enjoys romance that takes you into new and uncharted waters. The unquestioning enthusiasm, with which you express love, can be a healthy tonic that brings your lovers out of themselves - literally makes new people of them. The problem is that love can tire and fade, when the experience becomes too familiar. An old lover may feel "left in the lurch", as you speed away into an exciting new affair. The challenge of your romantic life is to develop the patience to stay with relationships long enough to experience more than the heady wine of new beginnings and infinite possibilities - to hang in there and know the old fashioned richness of a love you can securely possess and eternally enjoy.

Romantic approach

Mars in Taurus

Your style is to persist in love, when all around have given up hope. You have a way of realistic insistence that can grate against the very sensitive beauty you seek to possess. Yours is the power to move mountains. Once you have attracted lovers it is difficult for them and you to let go. You come to know lovers in ways they will never forget. You can be impossibly generous when you are inspired, but mean, when what you value is threatened. Focusing on love will bring far more security than forcing situations. It will also keep in reserve the power to have everything you want.

What fascinates you about love most of all

Neptune in Capricorn

You are of the generation that needs a strong sense of conviction to give life real purpose. What you believe in must lead to something useful. You will be cautious in what you commit yourself to, but, once convinced, fearless in applying the lesson of your beliefs. Beware of taking too much responsibility. Letting people care for you, will show you the wonder of caring. Know this mystery and achieve your dreams.

From 2nd March

Part Two – Time for Romance

Thursday 3rd March


Transiting Venus Squares your natal MidHeaven from 3rd to 6th March 2022. Exact 5th March

Feelings of jealousy and possessiveness may have to be controlled during this time. Unwanted social obligations could also disrupt your daily routine and leave you feeling drained and dissatisfied.

Friday 4th March

Bonds of affection

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 4th to 7th March 2022. Exact 6th March

Sympathetic feelings of warmth and tenderness will make you extremely protective of those you love. Very little could anger you today. Contact with women, especially your mother, could bring positive results, with love and friendship bonding the ties between you. A day to sit back, relax and enjoy the company of others.

Tuesday 8th March

Hard to forgive

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 8th to 11th March 2022. Exact 10th March

The worst thing that anyone can do to you during these few days is hurt your pride; it is something you will presently find very difficult to forgive. However, resist the desire to control lovers and friends, or relationships could become a constant ego and power battle. New relationships could be exciting, feisty, but short lived.

Friday 11th March

Being social

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mercury from 11th to 14th March 2022. Exact 13th March

Feeling sociable and easy-going, this would be a great day for a lazy get-together with good friends, loved ones and family. You will talk about times gone by and dream together of the future. Problems with lovers can be talked through. Once the air is cleared you will be able to look to the future. Business deals should run smoothly.

Saturday 12th March

Good feelings

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Venus from 12th to 14th March 2022. Exact 13th March

At this time it will be hard to hide feelings of love, warmth and tenderness. For those of you who are single, new love affairs started around now could blossom into stable and meaningful relationships. Business and financial negotiations could prove extremely lucrative. You are likely to spend on beautiful luxuries.

Sunday 13th March


Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Venus from 13th to 16th March 2022. Exact 15th March

Boosted by relentless energy and drive, you are now likely to be in a positive and fun loving mood. A great time for parties, and any type of social gathering, a time for attracting new friends, and new lovers. Business and financial negotiations could prove extremely lucrative, particularly if setting up new business deals.

Tuesday 15th March

Avoid confrontations

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Ascendant from 15th to 18th March 2022. Exact 17th March

Avoid arguments today; you will not have the physical or emotional energy to cope with the trials and tribulations of life. If possible, stay at home and surround yourself with life's little luxuries! Avoid confrontations at work; if you manage to keep the peace, then your skills of tact and diplomacy will make a greater impression.

Friday 18th March


Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 18th to 21st March 2022. Exact 20th March

Problems within personal relationships should be resolved during these few days. You may also be called upon to give emotional or financial support to a close friend, lover or member of the family. Social life should improve, but beware over-indulgence. The temptation to spend on beautiful objects, clothes or jewels will be hard to resist.

Tuesday 22nd March

Breaking the rules

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Uranus from 22nd to 25th March 2022. Exact 24th March

Whirlwind and impulsive love affairs could suddenly start and end within a few short weeks. Rules may be broken, but you will enjoy yourself along the way. Escaping boring, dull, day to day routine, you will be looking for excitement and any unusual distractions. Being in a party mood, it is time to let your hair down and have some fun.

Friday 25th March


Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Venus from 25th to 28th March 2022. Exact 27th March

This holds the promise of being a lovely day when you should be feeling very loving, sociable and affectionate. Do not be surprised if small gifts or presents come your way. Health should improve, so long as you resist the temptation to be overly self-indulgent. The magnetism of the planet of love, Venus, could also attract delightful new lovers to you.

Monday 28th March


Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mars from 28th to 31st March 2022. Exact 30th March

Jealousy and possessiveness could cause conflicts in romance and marriage yet, at the same time, heightened passions will increase your sex drive. This combination could either produce fiery passion, strengthening inextricable bonds of love, or blazing tempers and rows that could tear the relationship apart. If unattached, you could now be unreservedly attracted to anyone.

Tuesday 29th March

Clear the air

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Venus from 29th to 31st March 2022. Exact 30th March

Your relaxed and sociable mood will be contagious, creating an atmosphere of laughter and love. This would be the perfect time to clear the air and talk through any long standing or niggling problems within personal or professional relationships. It will also be easy to express your emotions and tell someone how much you love them. Financial and business negotiations look lucrative, as you should be able to get your message across.

Thursday 31st March


Transiting Venus Squares your natal Saturn from 31st March 2022 to 3rd April 2022. Exact 2nd April

Tension, conflict, friction - they are all words to describe the way you are now likely to be feeling towards a lover or marriage partner. Problems, which have been bubbling away beneath the surface, could now violently erupt and, if the differences are irreconcilable, then the relationship could come to an abrupt halt. However, strong and stable relationships could survive this emotional warfare.

April 2022

Friday 1st April

Take it easy

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Sun from 1st to 4th April 2022. Exact 3rd April

Do not attempt any hard physical work; you simply will not be in the mood. Why not treat yourself to some rest and relaxation, take it easy and indulge yourself a little. This could also be a time of dangerous romantic liaisons, the temptation to be indiscreet could be hard to resist. Lose yourself in some kind of creative work instead - and keep your head well out of the firing line!

Saturday 2nd April

Clear the air

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 2nd to 5th April 2022. Exact 4th April

You are now ready to compromise, so if there have been problems within any personal relationships, this is an excellent few days to talk grievances through and clear the air. You will be more willing to give and more willing to listen. Surround yourself with friends, get out and enjoy yourself!

Thursday 7th April

Winds of change

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 7th to 9th April 2022. Exact 8th April

Intense emotions will ensure an active and lively love life. Winds of change are now blowing away emotional cobwebs and reviving forgotten feelings of romance. Accept any invitations that come your way as they could lead to a passionate, enduring encounter. Creativity at work should also be enhanced.

Also on Thursday


Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Neptune from 7th to 9th April 2022. Exact 8th April

This will be a day to escape reality; everyone needs to lose themselves occasionally in delightful daydreams. With enough positive thought and action, these dreams could eventually come true. Love will be of the most pure, selfless kind. If you both open your hearts there could be a merging of souls rarely felt. Surround yourself with beauty.

Tuesday 19th April

Unusual steps

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 19th to 22nd April 2022. Exact 21st April

Expect some disruption to your love life during this time. Either you, or your partner, may take unusual steps to either inject some fresh life into a present relationship; or one of you will start to look for something new - a love that is more unpredictable and exciting. Love affairs started now are likely to be exhilarating and electrifying, but short lived.

Monday 25th April

Fun-loving mood

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mars from 25th to 28th April 2022. Exact 27th April

Boosted by relentless vitality and energy, you are likely to be in a positive and fun-loving mood. This is a great time for parties and any type of social gathering; a time for attracting new friends and new lovers. Business and financial negotiations could prove extremely lucrative, particularly if setting up new and original deals.

Thursday 28th April


Transiting Venus Trines your natal Saturn from 28th to 30th April 2022. Exact 29th April

Now is the time to sort out problems in personal relationships. If you are unattached you could now be drawn to a new relationship with the promise of a stable, secure and lasting love. One of you is likely to be more mature than the other, either in age or experience. A connection with the past could also stir old memories.

May 2022

Sunday 1st May


Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Moon from 1st to 3rd May 2022. Exact 2nd May

Feeling dreamy and romantic, you will want to spend time with someone you love, probably in the comfort and security of home. Nostalgia will cause you to contact friends from the past, or just talk over 'the good old days' with close loved ones. Contact with women, especially your mother, could bring positive results. The temptation to overeat or drink may be hard to resist.

Tuesday 3rd May

On the rocks

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 3rd to 6th May 2022. Exact 5th May

Rocky and unstable relationships could now crumble, or you may look elsewhere for emotional and physical satisfaction. Therefore, secret love affairs are now possible. You may now also choose to escape into the past as a welcome relief from the problems and responsibilities of the present. Postpone major financial decisions until stability returns into your life.

Friday 6th May

Good conversation

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 6th to 9th May 2022. Exact 8th May

Your relaxed and sociable mood will be contagious, with much laughter, happiness and, probably, wine flowing between friends. This is also a great time to 'clear the air' and talk through any problems with your lover. It will be easy to tell someone you love them. Finances and business negotiations look good; you will be able to get your message across.

Saturday 7th May


Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Venus from 7th to 9th May 2022. Exact 8th May

Love is the keyword during this period. Existing love affairs are likely to be strengthened and rekindled, so do not be surprised if your partner suggests a more long-term commitment. New romance also looks promising. The temptation to buy items of luxury and beauty will be hard to resist. Go ahead - treat yourself! You may even feel like throwing a party.

Tuesday 10th May

Taking it easy

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Ascendant from 10th to 12th May 2022. Exact 11th May

Do not plan anything too strenuous during this period, as you are likely to be too pre-occupied with taking it easy and having fun. Why not plan a party? You will enjoy sharing these feelings of affection, warmth and love with friends. Telling someone just how much you love them will strengthen the emotional tie between you. A bonus could also come your way, so why not treat yourself to some well-deserved luxuries!

Thursday 12th May

Enjoy yourself

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 12th to 15th May 2022. Exact 14th May

Feeling pleasantly lazy and lethargic, you will much prefer to sit back and enjoy the comforts of life rather than rouse yourself to any action. Time for much love, romance and new friendships. One special individual may certainly have a powerful effect on your life. A financial bonus or gift could come your way and travel is likely.

Monday 16th May

Reawakened passion

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 16th to 18th May 2022. Exact 17th May

Are you ready for some love and romance? All relationships should now become more loving and secure, especially if you manage to reawaken slumbering passions. You may now be ready to make a more long-term commitment to your partner. New love affairs should be exciting and unusual, so expect the unexpected. Cash flow should also improve, as should health.

Tuesday 24th May

Fun Loving

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Sun from 24th to 27th May 2022. Exact 26th May

A lovely period when you will be feeling very loving, affectionate and looking for fun. Do not be surprised if small gifts or presents come your way. Health will be good, as long as you are not too self-indulgent. The magnetism of Venus will attract love; this could be a happy, fun loving and sociable few days.

Thursday 26th May

Good impression

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Venus from 26th to 29th May 2022. Exact 28th May

Feeling confident, optimistic and outgoing, this should be an excellent day for being with friends and loved ones. Business negotiations should also go well, with meetings or job interviews proving equally lucrative. A good impression should be made on everyone you meet, especially those in authority.

Also on Thursday

On the cards

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 26th to 28th May 2022. Exact 27th May

This will be a wonderful time to tell someone you love them, with a marriage or long term commitment on the cards. If single, romantic new love could deliriously intoxicate all your senses, leaving you somewhat dreamy and light-headed! Surround yourself with friends; do not waste this potentially satisfying and lovely time on your own.

Sunday 29th May

Intense emotions

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Pluto from 29th May 2022 to 1st June 2022. Exact 31st May

The temptation to succumb to a secret love affair may prove irresistible. In any case, powerful intense emotions could lead to confrontations with lovers, jealousy causing uncontrollable anger. Problems may arise over finances, either business or personal.

Also on Sunday

Made in heaven

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Neptune from 29th May 2022 to 1st June 2022. Exact 31st May

Any new love affair or romance started during this period will seem like a match made in heaven, almost as if, as well as a wonderful physical union, there will also be a tremendous spiritual union between the both of you. Present relationships should also become closer and more emotionally stable and secure. This is not so much a time to make dreams come true, but to create dreams which could come true in the future.

June 2022

Wednesday 1st June


Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Venus from 1st to 4th June 2022. Exact 3rd June

Fiery passion and a strong attraction to lovers, or potential lovers, will be strongly expressed through sex. Even without sex, you will feel more full of life and vivacious than usual, wanting to be with other people, rather than on your own. Make the best of lucrative financial opportunities.

Saturday 4th June

Point of view

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Ascendant from 4th to 7th June 2022. Exact 6th June

Make a special effort when putting your point across, especially in personal and love relationships, or you are likely to be misunderstood. Also, beware squandering money on unnecessary items, which may seem luxurious now but will be completely useless in a few short weeks time.

Tuesday 7th June

Low profile

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 7th to 9th June 2022. Exact 8th June

Low energy levels could leave you feeling drained of all vitality during this time. Work and career productivity could also suffer through failure to perform duties efficiently and competently. Beware financial extravagance. Personal and love relationships could also find themselves in the firing line. Perhaps this would be a good time to take a short break or holiday, but do not spend too much.

June 16th 2022 onwards to July 8th 2022

Willing to help

Transiting Jupiter Conjuncts your natal Venus

Start of new 11-12 year period of 'believing in love'

During this period you will sort out any problems in your personal relationships. You've had enough of upheavals, changes and unnecessary arguments. Now you crave some peace and quiet.

You may be called upon to give emotional or financial support to a close friend, lover or member of the family. This is quite a turn-around because recently you've been the one who has needed other people to lean on.

But at last the burdens and troubles of the past seem to be fading away and now you will enjoy being, and talking, with friends. Your social life should improve and you may even decide to throw a party!

Love and romance will emanate warmth, tenderness and security. Just for now, you seem to have found the perfect balance between freedom and commitment. Past problems of jealousy, envy and pettiness will disappear.

It is going to be hard to resist the temptation to spend lots of money on beautiful objects, either for the house, or personal objects like clothes and adornments. But cash flow is still likely to be somewhat unsteady, so don't waste and squander money on items that will just end up sitting in a drawer.

Another word of warning - beware over-indulgence in food and drink, whatever is your weakness. By all means enjoy yourself, but remember: 'all things in moderation!'

Also on Thursday


Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Mars from 16th to 18th June 2022. Exact 17th June

Fiery passion and a fierce attraction to lovers or potential lovers will be strongly expressed through sex. Even without sex, you will feel more full of life and vivacious than usual, wanting to be with other people, rather than on your own. Make the best of lucrative financial opportunities.

Saturday 18th June

Below par

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Saturn from 18th to 20th June 2022. Exact 20th June

Feeling disillusioned and unlucky in love, you may feel as if nothing is going your way. Because of this, emotional barriers will be erected to stop you from getting hurt, but this may only make matters worse. Conflict between your home and professional life may cause emotional confrontations.

Sunday 19th June


Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Venus from 19th to 21st June 2022. Exact 20th June

Feeling sociable and easy going, why not take this opportunity for a pleasant, lazy get-together with close friends, lovers or family. As feelings of love should be easily expressed, problems could now be talked through and resolved. Business and career matters should also proceed smoothly.

Tuesday 21st June

Bonds of affection

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 21st to 23rd June 2022. Exact 23rd June

Sympathetic feelings of warmth and tenderness will make you extremely protective of those you love. Very little could anger you today. Contact with women, especially your mother, could bring positive results, with love and friendship bonding the ties between you. A day to sit back, relax and enjoy the company of others.

Sunday 26th June

Being social

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mercury from 26th to 29th June 2022. Exact 28th June

Feeling sociable and easy-going, this would be a great day for a lazy get-together with good friends, loved ones and family. You will talk about times gone by and dream together of the future. Problems with lovers can be talked through. Once the air is cleared you will be able to look to the future. Business deals should run smoothly.

Also on Sunday

Be as positive as you can

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Venus from 26th to 29th June 2022. Exact 28th June

Lacking energy, today you will be less active than usual and feel more inclined to laze around doing as little as you can. Postpone major decisions or tasks until your energy level increases and your frame of mind is more positive. Personal relationships could also feel the strain, especially if you have recently been choosing to ignore or neglect pressing problems.

Monday 27th June

Good feelings

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Venus from 27th to 29th June 2022. Exact 28th June

At this time it will be hard to hide feelings of love, warmth and tenderness. For those of you who are single, new love affairs started around now could blossom into stable and meaningful relationships. Business and financial negotiations could prove extremely lucrative. You are likely to spend on beautiful luxuries.

Thursday 30th June

Meaningful relationships

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 30th June 2022 to 2nd July 2022. Exact 1st July

This should be an untroubled and carefree time, so go out, party, and enjoy yourself! Feelings of love, sympathy and warmth will be generously shared with close friends and loved ones - maybe even with people you have only just met! A new love affair could progress into a more stable and meaningful relationship.

July 2022

Saturday 2nd July


Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 2nd to 4th July 2022. Exact 4th July

During this time, you will put others before yourself and will be seen as sympathetic, generous and out-going, giving support and love to those in need. Now could be the beginning of a pleasant, romantic love affair. Strenuous work should be avoided, as you will be feeling unhurried and carefree. But watch your diet; weight could easily be gained.

Wednesday 6th July


Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Uranus from 6th to 8th July 2022. Exact 7th July

Unexpected events in your love life may cause some disruption to your life. You may suddenly become involved in a whirlwind love affair that could be extremely exciting, passionate, but somewhat short lived! Emotions will be both unpredictable and unstable. New friendships may be made, but at the expense of more long standing associations.

Thursday 7th July

Hard to cope

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Venus from 7th to 9th July 2022. Exact 8th July

Avoid anything that could upset you or disturb your routine or equilibrium during the next few days. Unable to properly defend yourself, you may find it difficult to cope with any disputes or strife. You may become the victim instead of the victor. Problems in both your love life and social life are likely, so perhaps it is best to keep your head down and out of the firing line.

Thursday 14th July

Take it easy

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Sun from 14th to 16th July 2022. Exact 15th July

Do not attempt any hard physical work; you simply will not be in the mood. Why not treat yourself to some rest and relaxation, take it easy and indulge yourself a little. This could also be a time of dangerous romantic liaisons, the temptation to be indiscreet could be hard to resist. Lose yourself in some kind of creative work instead - and keep your head well out of the firing line!

Friday 15th July

Clear the air

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 15th to 17th July 2022. Exact 17th July

You are now ready to compromise, so if there have been problems within any personal relationships, this is an excellent few days to talk grievances through and clear the air. You will be more willing to give and more willing to listen. Surround yourself with friends, get out and enjoy yourself!

Saturday 16th July

A bit down

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 16th to 18th July 2022. Exact 18th July

Because of extreme emotional sensitivity, even the slightest hurt or misunderstanding with loved ones or friends will cut you to the quick and upset you deeply. You may feel alone and isolated. Take care not to overreact by smothering other people with your affection; being overprotective could equally alienate loved ones.

Tuesday 19th July

Winds of change

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 19th to 21st July 2022. Exact 20th July

Intense emotions will ensure an active and lively love life. Winds of change are now blowing away emotional cobwebs and reviving forgotten feelings of romance. Accept any invitations that come your way as they could lead to a passionate, enduring encounter. Creativity at work should also be enhanced.

Also on Tuesday


Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Neptune from 19th to 21st July 2022. Exact 20th July

Lost in a world of romantic fantasy, you may now worship your lover too much and put them on too high a pedestal. Avoid dubious business and get-rich-quick schemes. Although at times they can be beneficial, they certainly will not work to your advantage at the moment. Too much food and drink could drain vitality.

Thursday 21st July


Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 21st to 23rd July 2022. Exact 22nd July

Communication with loved ones, be they family, lovers or friends, should be exceptionally good during the next day or so. This would therefore be an excellent time to tell all loved ones just how much you care. Business matters should also proceed smoothly. Now is the time to get the ball rolling in all-important business, property or career negotiations.

Also on Thursday

Feeling low

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mercury from 21st to 24th July 2022. Exact 23rd July

Avoid anything that could upset you or disturb your equilibrium during this time, as you may find it difficult to cope with any disputes or strife. Unable to properly defend yourself, you could become the victim instead of the victor. Problems in both your love life and social life are likely, so perhaps it is best to keep your head down and out of the firing line.

Friday 22nd July


Transiting Venus Squares your natal Venus from 22nd to 24th July 2022. Exact 23rd July

Beware financial extravagance over the next few days. Personal and love relationships may also find themselves in the firing line. You could become the victim of a misunderstanding, or someone you love and trust could now be trying to take advantage in some way. Energy levels are likely to be low, therefore, very little will be achieved during this time.

Thursday 28th July


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Venus from 28th to 31st July 2022. Exact 30th July

Strong feelings of love and enjoyment of life should dominate thoughts and actions today. Not in the mood for work, you will be seeking more pleasurable pursuits and distractions! This outgoing and optimistic mood will be contagious enticing lovers, family and friends to share the day's love and laughter.

August 2022

Friday 5th August

Fun-loving mood

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mars from 5th to 7th August 2022. Exact 6th August

Boosted by relentless vitality and energy, you are likely to be in a positive and fun-loving mood. This is a great time for parties and any type of social gathering; a time for attracting new friends and new lovers. Business and financial negotiations could prove extremely lucrative, particularly if setting up new and original deals.

Sunday 7th August


Transiting Venus Trines your natal Saturn from 7th to 9th August 2022. Exact 8th August

Now is the time to sort out problems in personal relationships. If you are unattached you could now be drawn to a new relationship with the promise of a stable, secure and lasting love. One of you is likely to be more mature than the other, either in age or experience. A connection with the past could also stir old memories.

Monday 8th August

Take a break

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Sun from 8th to 10th August 2022. Exact 9th August

Lacking energy, you will be more inclined to sit around and do as little as you can during this time. It would be just as well to postpone major tasks or decisions until your energy increases and you are in a more positive frame of mind. Personal relationships could also feel the strain, especially if you have been choosing to hide or ignore pressing problems.

Tuesday 9th August


Transiting Venus Squares your natal MidHeaven from 9th to 11th August 2022. Exact 10th August

Feelings of jealousy and possessiveness may have to be controlled during this time. Unwanted social obligations could also disrupt your daily routine and leave you feeling drained and dissatisfied.

Wednesday 10th August

Joie de vivre!

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Moon from 10th to 12th August 2022. Exact 11th August

You should get on quite well with everyone around you during this time, but especially with women. There will be a general love of life and a feeling of joie de vivre, which you will wish you felt more often. Very little could put you in a bad mood; you will be too busy showering feelings of love, warmth and affection on everyone around you.

Friday 12th August

Hard to forgive

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 12th to 15th August 2022. Exact 14th August

The worst thing that anyone can do to you during these few days is hurt your pride; it is something you will presently find very difficult to forgive. However, resist the desire to control lovers and friends, or relationships could become a constant ego and power battle. New relationships could be exciting, feisty, but short lived.

Monday 15th August

Get the ball rolling

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mercury from 15th to 17th August 2022. Exact 17th August

Communication with loved ones, be they family, lovers or friends should be exceptionally good during this time, so why not tell them just how much you care! Business matters should proceed smoothly as well, so if there are any important contracts to be signed, or contacts to be made, then now is the best time to get the ball rolling.

Also on Monday

Lady luck

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Venus from 15th to 18th August 2022. Exact 17th August

Lady Luck could be calling during this time, so make sure that you leave your door wide open! Feeling relaxed, easy going and sociable, many opportunities will seemingly just land in your lap, but they are actually the accumulation of previous hard graft. Spend as much time as you can with your lover - this could be a tremendously romantic period.

August 16th 2022 onwards to September 8th 2022


Willing to help

Transiting Jupiter Retrograde Conjuncts your natal Venus

Start of new 11-12 year period of 'believing in love'

During this period you will sort out any problems in your personal relationships. You've had enough of upheavals, changes and unnecessary arguments. Now you crave some peace and quiet.

You may be called upon to give emotional or financial support to a close friend, lover or member of the family. This is quite a turn-around because recently you've been the one who has needed other people to lean on.

But at last the burdens and troubles of the past seem to be fading away and now you will enjoy being, and talking, with friends. Your social life should improve and you may even decide to throw a party!

Love and romance will emanate warmth, tenderness and security. Just for now, you seem to have found the perfect balance between freedom and commitment. Past problems of jealousy, envy and pettiness will disappear.

It is going to be hard to resist the temptation to spend lots of money on beautiful objects, either for the house, or personal objects like clothes and adornments. But cash flow is still likely to be somewhat unsteady, so don't waste and squander money on items that will just end up sitting in a drawer.

Another word of warning - beware over-indulgence in food and drink, whatever is your weakness. By all means enjoy yourself, but remember: 'all things in moderation!'

Thursday 18th August

New chapter

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 18th to 21st August 2022. Exact 20th August

This period could herald a completely new chapter in your love life. Because you will be able to talk problems through, certain hang-ups and insecurities could finally be overcome. Love, warmth and affection will be easily expressed and readily returned. Spend extra time with friends and family during this harmonious and fulfilling period. New love is likely.

Sunday 21st August

Do not over do it!

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Jupiter from 21st to 23rd August 2022. Exact 22nd August

If you do not want to overspend your budget during this time, then keep a tight hold on your purse strings. Too many late nights, coupled with too much food and alcoholic beverages, may leave you feeling somewhat drained. In business transactions, do not exaggerate and promise more than you can deliver.

Wednesday 24th August

Reawakened passion

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 24th to 26th August 2022. Exact 25th August

Are you ready for some love and romance? All relationships should now become more loving and secure, especially if you manage to reawaken slumbering passions. You may now be ready to make a more long-term commitment to your partner. New love affairs should be exciting and unusual, so expect the unexpected. Cash flow should also improve, as should health.

Monday 29th August


Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mars from 29th to 31st August 2022. Exact 31st August

Jealousy and possessiveness could cause conflicts in romance and marriage yet, at the same time, heightened passions will increase your sex drive. This combination could either produce fiery passion, strengthening inextricable bonds of love, or blazing tempers and rows that could tear the relationship apart. If unattached, you could now be unreservedly attracted to anyone.

Tuesday 30th August


Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Venus from 30th August 2022 to 3rd September 2022. Exact 1st September

Boosted by relentless energy and drive, you are now likely to be in a positive and fun loving mood. A great time for parties, and any type of social gathering, a time for attracting new friends, and new lovers. Business and financial negotiations could prove extremely lucrative, particularly if setting up new business deals.

Wednesday 31st August


Transiting Venus Squares your natal Saturn from 31st August 2022 to 3rd September 2022. Exact 2nd September

Tension, conflict, friction - they are all words to describe the way you are now likely to be feeling towards a lover or marriage partner. Problems, which have been bubbling away beneath the surface, could now violently erupt and, if the differences are irreconcilable, then the relationship could come to an abrupt halt. However, strong and stable relationships could survive this emotional warfare.

September 2022

Thursday 1st September

Coming on strong

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 1st to 3rd September 2022. Exact 3rd September

Strong feelings of love and enjoyment of life should dominate your thoughts and actions during this time. Basically, you will just feel like enjoying yourself and work therefore will take second place to leisure activities. Your good mood will be infectious and others will enjoy being around you.

Also on Thursday

Power games

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Venus from 1st to 5th September 2022. Exact 3rd September

Unexpected news could affect your love life and personal relationships. Although this may not necessarily be bad news, it will cause a certain amount of disruption to your daily routine and temporarily shatter the peace and serenity of your home. Beware power games, ego conflicts or gossip during the next few days or the consequences of words spoken or action taken could backfire.

Friday 2nd September

Caught in the middle

Transiting Venus Trines your natal MidHeaven from 2nd to 5th September 2022. Exact 4th September

Being fair-minded and balanced in your opinions, you may find yourself the mediator in a family quarrel during this time. Your sensible advice will be needed. Creativity at work should also be enhanced. Take advantage of any opportunity that enables you to work from home, either on a temporary or permanent basis.

Tuesday 6th September

Positive thoughts

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 6th to 8th September 2022. Exact 7th September

A sudden love affair could be intense and electric, but with little chance of developing into a long lasting relationship. During these few days, powerful emotions will need to find an outlet through physical passion and sensuality. Powerful, positive thoughts could bring positive results.

Also on Tuesday

Made in heaven

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Neptune from 6th to 8th September 2022. Exact 7th September

Any new love affair or romance started during this period will seem like a match made in heaven, almost as if, as well as a wonderful physical union, there will also be a tremendous spiritual union between the both of you. Present relationships should also become closer and more emotionally stable and secure. This is not so much a time to make dreams come true, but to create dreams which could come true in the future.

Tuesday 13th September


Power games

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Opposes your natal Venus from 13th to 17th September 2022. Exact 15th September

Unexpected news could affect your love life and personal relationships. Although this may not necessarily be bad news, it will cause a certain amount of disruption to your daily routine and temporarily shatter the peace and serenity of your home. Beware power games, ego conflicts or gossip during the next few days or the consequences of words spoken or action taken could backfire.

Saturday 17th September

Unusual steps

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 17th to 20th September 2022. Exact 19th September

Expect some disruption to your love life during this time. Either you, or your partner, may take unusual steps to either inject some fresh life into a present relationship; or one of you will start to look for something new - a love that is more unpredictable and exciting. Love affairs started now are likely to be exhilarating and electrifying, but short lived.

Thursday 22nd September

Raring to go

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mars from 22nd to 25th September 2022. Exact 24th September

Full of energy and raring to go, nothing will be able to stop you or get in your way during this time. You constantly strive to achieve your desires. Passionate emotions will be difficult to control; therefore your love life should become more sensual and romantic. New love affairs will be intense, but short.

Saturday 24th September

Moving on

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Saturn from 24th to 27th September 2022. Exact 26th September

Being ready to move on to the next stage, you will be reaching a new level of understanding in all types of personal and emotional relationships. Not content with merely existing together, your individual needs, wants and expectations from each other will be discussed. Creativity and business transactions are well starred.

Tuesday 27th September


Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Moon from 27th to 30th September 2022. Exact 29th September

You want to take care of those you love, but in the process should not be overly drawn into excess. Although expressing your affections in a warm and friendly way is not a bad way to demonstrate exactly how protective you are feeling today. It may be wiser not to make any firm relationship commitments right now and give yourself an opportunity to reconsider how you are feeling on a more rational day when your emotions are not so fired up.

Wednesday 28th September


Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Venus from 28th September 2022 to 1st October 2022. Exact 30th September

Do not attempt any hard, concentrated work today as you simply will not be in the mood. You will not want to be on your own so surround yourself with loving friends and family. Why not treat yourself to some rest and relaxation? Hidden tensions in relationships may be brought out into the open. Alternatively, the pleasures of secret love affairs may be difficult to resist. Just take care that scandal does not soon follow!

Friday 30th September

On the rocks

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 30th September 2022 to 2nd October 2022. Exact 1st October

Rocky and unstable relationships could now crumble, or you may look elsewhere for emotional and physical satisfaction. Therefore, secret love affairs are now possible. You may now also choose to escape into the past as a welcome relief from the problems and responsibilities of the present. Postpone major financial decisions until stability returns into your life.

October 2022

Sunday 2nd October

News flash

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Mercury from 2nd to 5th October 2022. Exact 4th October

News is likely to come your way that will affect your love life, perhaps via an unexpected letter or phone call. This may not necessarily be bad news, but it may temporarily shatter the peace and serenity of your home life. Be careful not to spread gossip during this time.

Monday 3rd October

Hold on tight

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Venus from 3rd to 5th October 2022. Exact 4th October

Keep a tight hold on your purse strings; every little luxury that you see now will seem like a necessity! Business negotiations should also be temporarily postponed. Watch out for confrontations with loved ones, especially women. But do not concede just for the sake of peace and quiet - you could be in the right!

Thursday 6th October

Meaningful relationships

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 6th to 8th October 2022. Exact 7th October

This should be an untroubled and carefree time, so go out, party, and enjoy yourself! Feelings of love, sympathy and warmth will be generously shared with close friends and loved ones - maybe even with people you have only just met! A new love affair could progress into a more stable and meaningful relationship.

Saturday 8th October


Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 8th to 10th October 2022. Exact 9th October

During this time, you will put others before yourself and will be seen as sympathetic, generous and out-going, giving support and love to those in need. Now could be the beginning of a pleasant, romantic love affair. Strenuous work should be avoided, as you will be feeling unhurried and carefree. But watch your diet; weight could easily be gained.

Tuesday 11th October

Breaking the rules

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Uranus from 11th to 14th October 2022. Exact 13th October

Whirlwind and impulsive love affairs could suddenly start and end within a few short weeks. Rules may be broken, but you will enjoy yourself along the way. Escaping boring, dull, day to day routine, you will be looking for excitement and any unusual distractions. Being in a party mood, it is time to let your hair down and have some fun.

Friday 14th October

Power games

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Venus from 14th to 16th October 2022. Exact 15th October

Unexpected news could affect your love life and personal relationships. Although this may not necessarily be bad news, it will cause a certain amount of disruption to your daily routine and temporarily shatter the peace and serenity of your home. Beware power games, ego conflicts or gossip during the next few days or the consequences of words spoken or action taken could backfire.

Wednesday 19th October

Count to ten

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Sun from 19th to 22nd October 2022. Exact 21st October

You may experience some kind of sadness within your home environment or emotional life. You may even feel restless, tired, lifeless, emotional and moody towards those you know and love. This is a time best spent on your own. If friends or loved ones do try and get you into any kind of dispute, count to ten before replying.

Thursday 20th October

Cuddle up

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 20th to 23rd October 2022. Exact 22nd October

Any kind of work will seem like an effort, so if possible, this is a day for being lazy around the home. Read a book, cuddle up on the couch with someone you love, and just relax.

Monday 24th October


Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 24th to 26th October 2022. Exact 25th October

Intense emotions will either strengthen your love life, or bring about some kind of final confrontation or showdown. If you want to avoid arguments, then accept things as they are for a few days. These restless feelings will soon blow over. New, whirlwind, love affairs could sweep you off your feet, but be careful where you land!

Also on Monday


Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Neptune from 24th to 26th October 2022. Exact 25th October

This will be a day to escape reality; everyone needs to lose themselves occasionally in delightful daydreams. With enough positive thought and action, these dreams could eventually come true. Love will be of the most pure, selfless kind. If you both open your hearts there could be a merging of souls rarely felt. Surround yourself with beauty.

Sunday 30th October

Point of view

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Ascendant from 30th October 2022 to 1st November 2022. Exact 31st October

Make a special effort when putting your point across, especially in personal and love relationships, or you are likely to be misunderstood. Also, beware squandering money on unnecessary items, which may seem luxurious now but will be completely useless in a few short weeks time.

November 2022

Tuesday 1st November

Low profile

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 1st to 3rd November 2022. Exact 2nd November

Low energy levels could leave you feeling drained of all vitality during this time. Work and career productivity could also suffer through failure to perform duties efficiently and competently. Beware financial extravagance. Personal and love relationships could also find themselves in the firing line. Perhaps this would be a good time to take a short break or holiday, but do not spend too much.

Wednesday 9th November

Green eyed monster

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Mars from 9th to 12th November 2022. Exact 11th November

Even if you are not normally a jealous person, the green eyed monster could get the better of you during this time. Intense emotions could either lead to an aggressive, torrid sex life, or blazing rows! In any event, there is likely to be man/woman conflict leading to passionate emotional confrontations.

Friday 11th November


Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 11th to 14th November 2022. Exact 13th November

Temporary separations or the breaking up of love relationships are possible during this period. Beware nurturing jealousy or it will grow into a green-eyed monster. Expression of emotion will be inhibited, giving the outward appearance of being cold and aloof. Fortunately, these feelings will only last a few days.

Monday 14th November

Joie de vivre!

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Moon from 14th to 17th November 2022. Exact 16th November

You should get on quite well with everyone around you during this time, but especially with women. There will be a general love of life and a feeling of joie de vivre, which you will wish you felt more often. Very little could put you in a bad mood; you will be too busy showering feelings of love, warmth and affection on everyone around you.

Saturday 19th November

Get the ball rolling

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mercury from 19th to 22nd November 2022. Exact 21st November

Communication with loved ones, be they family, lovers or friends should be exceptionally good during this time, so why not tell them just how much you care! Business matters should proceed smoothly as well, so if there are any important contracts to be signed, or contacts to be made, then now is the best time to get the ball rolling.

Sunday 20th November


Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 20th to 22nd November 2022. Exact 21st November

Communication with loved ones, be they family, lovers or friends, should be exceptionally good during the next day or so. This would therefore be an excellent time to tell all loved ones just how much you care. Business matters should also proceed smoothly. Now is the time to get the ball rolling in all-important business, property or career negotiations.

Also on Sunday

Lady luck

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Venus from 20th to 22nd November 2022. Exact 21st November

Lady Luck could be calling during this time, so make sure that you leave your door wide open! Feeling relaxed, easy going and sociable, many opportunities will seemingly just land in your lap, but they are actually the accumulation of previous hard graft. Spend as much time as you can with your lover - this could be a tremendously romantic period.

Wednesday 23th November

Taking it easy

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Ascendant from 23rd to 25th November 2022. Exact 24th November

Do not plan anything too strenuous during this period, as you are likely to be too pre-occupied with taking it easy and having fun. Why not plan a party? You will enjoy sharing these feelings of affection, warmth and love with friends. Telling someone just how much you love them will strengthen the emotional tie between you. A bonus could also come your way, so why not treat yourself to some well-deserved luxuries!

Friday 25th November

Enjoy yourself

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 25th to 27th November 2022. Exact 26th November

Feeling pleasantly lazy and lethargic, you will much prefer to sit back and enjoy the comforts of life rather than rouse yourself to any action. Time for much love, romance and new friendships. One special individual may certainly have a powerful effect on your life. A financial bonus or gift could come your way and travel is likely.

Sunday 27th November


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Venus from 27th to 30th November 2022. Exact 29th November

Strong feelings of love and enjoyment of life should dominate thoughts and actions today. Not in the mood for work, you will be seeking more pleasurable pursuits and distractions! This outgoing and optimistic mood will be contagious enticing lovers, family and friends to share the day's love and laughter.

Monday 28th November


Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 28th to 30th November 2022. Exact 30th November

Expect the unexpected, especially in your love life. Stale and dull relationships will need to be injected with a new sense of romance and adventure in order to survive. They will either be boosted or given the boot. New impulsive love affairs started now could prove exciting, but be unstable and short-lived. There could be sudden financial gains, or if you are careless, unforeseen losses.

December 2022

Tuesday 6th December

Coming on strong

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 6th to 8th December 2022. Exact 8th December

Strong feelings of love and enjoyment of life should dominate your thoughts and actions during this time. Basically, you will just feel like enjoying yourself and work therefore will take second place to leisure activities. Your good mood will be infectious and others will enjoy being around you.

Wednesday 7th December

Caught in the middle

Transiting Venus Trines your natal MidHeaven from 7th to 10th December 2022. Exact 9th December

Being fair-minded and balanced in your opinions, you may find yourself the mediator in a family quarrel during this time. Your sensible advice will be needed. Creativity at work should also be enhanced. Take advantage of any opportunity that enables you to work from home, either on a temporary or permanent basis.

Thursday 8th December

A bit down

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 8th to 11th December 2022. Exact 10th December

Because of extreme emotional sensitivity, even the slightest hurt or misunderstanding with loved ones or friends will cut you to the quick and upset you deeply. You may feel alone and isolated. Take care not to overreact by smothering other people with your affection; being overprotective could equally alienate loved ones.

Saturday 10th December

Hard to cope

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Venus from 10th to 12th December 2022. Exact 11th December

Avoid anything that could upset you or disturb your routine or equilibrium during the next few days. Unable to properly defend yourself, you may find it difficult to cope with any disputes or strife. You may become the victim instead of the victor. Problems in both your love life and social life are likely, so perhaps it is best to keep your head down and out of the firing line.

Sunday 11th December

Up in the clouds

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 11th to 13th December 2022. Exact 12th December

With your head in the clouds for a few days, postpone making major decisions whilst in this vague and dreamy state. Love will be of the most pure, selfless kind, with your own ego being temporarily forfeited to the devotion of others. But beware putting loved ones on a pedestal; in times to come they may not live up to your expectations. Creativity could be exceptionally inspired.

Also on Sunday

Positive thoughts

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 11th to 13th December 2022. Exact 12th December

A sudden love affair could be intense and electric, but with little chance of developing into a long lasting relationship. During these few days, powerful emotions will need to find an outlet through physical passion and sensuality. Powerful, positive thoughts could bring positive results.

Tuesday 13th December

Feeling low

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mercury from 13th to 16th December 2022. Exact 15th December

Avoid anything that could upset you or disturb your equilibrium during this time, as you may find it difficult to cope with any disputes or strife. Unable to properly defend yourself, you could become the victim instead of the victor. Problems in both your love life and social life are likely, so perhaps it is best to keep your head down and out of the firing line.

Wednesday 14th December


Transiting Venus Squares your natal Venus from 14th to 16th December 2022. Exact 15th December

Beware financial extravagance over the next few days. Personal and love relationships may also find themselves in the firing line. You could become the victim of a misunderstanding, or someone you love and trust could now be trying to take advantage in some way. Energy levels are likely to be low, therefore, very little will be achieved during this time.

Monday 26th December

Be as positive as you can

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Venus from 26th to 29th December 2022. Exact 28th December

Lacking energy, today you will be less active than usual and feel more inclined to laze around doing as little as you can. Postpone major decisions or tasks until your energy level increases and your frame of mind is more positive. Personal relationships could also feel the strain, especially if you have recently been choosing to ignore or neglect pressing problems.

Tuesday 27th December

Raring to go

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mars from 27th to 29th December 2022. Exact 29th December

Full of energy and raring to go, nothing will be able to stop you or get in your way during this time. You constantly strive to achieve your desires. Passionate emotions will be difficult to control; therefore your love life should become more sensual and romantic. New love affairs will be intense, but short.

Thursday 29th December

Moving on

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Saturn from 29th December 2022 to 1st January 2023. Exact 31st December

Being ready to move on to the next stage, you will be reaching a new level of understanding in all types of personal and emotional relationships. Not content with merely existing together, your individual needs, wants and expectations from each other will be discussed. Creativity and business transactions are well starred.

Friday 30th December

Take a break

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Sun from 30th December 2022 to 1st January 2023. Exact 31st December

Lacking energy, you will be more inclined to sit around and do as little as you can during this time. It would be just as well to postpone major tasks or decisions until your energy increases and you are in a more positive frame of mind. Personal relationships could also feel the strain, especially if you have been choosing to hide or ignore pressing problems.

Saturday 31st December


Transiting Venus Squares your natal MidHeaven from 31st December 2022 to 3rd January 2023. Exact 2nd January 2023

Feelings of jealousy and possessiveness may have to be controlled during this time. Unwanted social obligations could also disrupt your daily routine and leave you feeling drained and dissatisfied.

January 2023

Sunday 1st January

Bonds of affection

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 1st to 3rd January 2023. Exact 3rd January

Sympathetic feelings of warmth and tenderness will make you extremely protective of those you love. Very little could anger you today. Contact with women, especially your mother, could bring positive results, with love and friendship bonding the ties between you. A day to sit back, relax and enjoy the company of others.

Wednesday 4th January

Hard to forgive

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 4th to 6th January 2023. Exact 5th January

The worst thing that anyone can do to you during these few days is hurt your pride; it is something you will presently find very difficult to forgive. However, resist the desire to control lovers and friends, or relationships could become a constant ego and power battle. New relationships could be exciting, feisty, but short lived.

Friday 6th January

Being social

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mercury from 6th to 9th January 2023. Exact 8th January

Feeling sociable and easy-going, this would be a great day for a lazy get-together with good friends, loved ones and family. You will talk about times gone by and dream together of the future. Problems with lovers can be talked through. Once the air is cleared you will be able to look to the future. Business deals should run smoothly.

Also on Friday

Good feelings

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Venus from 6th to 9th January 2023. Exact 8th January

At this time it will be hard to hide feelings of love, warmth and tenderness. For those of you who are single, new love affairs started around now could blossom into stable and meaningful relationships. Business and financial negotiations could prove extremely lucrative. You are likely to spend on beautiful luxuries.

Monday 9th January

Avoid confrontations

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Ascendant from 9th to 12th January 2023. Exact 11th January

Avoid arguments today; you will not have the physical or emotional energy to cope with the trials and tribulations of life. If possible, stay at home and surround yourself with life's little luxuries! Avoid confrontations at work; if you manage to keep the peace, then your skills of tact and diplomacy will make a greater impression.

Thursday 12th January


Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 12th to 14th January 2023. Exact 13th January

Problems within personal relationships should be resolved during these few days. You may also be called upon to give emotional or financial support to a close friend, lover or member of the family. Social life should improve, but beware over-indulgence. The temptation to spend on beautiful objects, clothes or jewels will be hard to resist.

Sunday 15th January

Breaking the rules

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Uranus from 15th to 17th January 2023. Exact 17th January

Whirlwind and impulsive love affairs could suddenly start and end within a few short weeks. Rules may be broken, but you will enjoy yourself along the way. Escaping boring, dull, day to day routine, you will be looking for excitement and any unusual distractions. Being in a party mood, it is time to let your hair down and have some fun.

Friday 20th January


Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mars from 20th to 22nd January 2023. Exact 22nd January

Jealousy and possessiveness could cause conflicts in romance and marriage yet, at the same time, heightened passions will increase your sex drive. This combination could either produce fiery passion, strengthening inextricable bonds of love, or blazing tempers and rows that could tear the relationship apart. If unattached, you could now be unreservedly attracted to anyone.

Sunday 22nd January


Transiting Venus Squares your natal Saturn from 22nd to 25th January 2023. Exact 24th January

Tension, conflict, friction - they are all words to describe the way you are now likely to be feeling towards a lover or marriage partner. Problems, which have been bubbling away beneath the surface, could now violently erupt and, if the differences are irreconcilable, then the relationship could come to an abrupt halt. However, strong and stable relationships could survive this emotional warfare.

Monday 23th January

Take it easy

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Sun from 23rd to 25th January 2023. Exact 24th January

Do not attempt any hard physical work; you simply will not be in the mood. Why not treat yourself to some rest and relaxation, take it easy and indulge yourself a little. This could also be a time of dangerous romantic liaisons, the temptation to be indiscreet could be hard to resist. Lose yourself in some kind of creative work instead - and keep your head well out of the firing line!

Tuesday 24th January

Clear the air

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 24th to 27th January 2023. Exact 26th January

You are now ready to compromise, so if there have been problems within any personal relationships, this is an excellent few days to talk grievances through and clear the air. You will be more willing to give and more willing to listen. Surround yourself with friends, get out and enjoy yourself!

Wednesday 25th January

Good impression

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Venus from 25th to 28th January 2023. Exact 27th January

Feeling confident, optimistic and outgoing, this should be an excellent day for being with friends and loved ones. Business negotiations should also go well, with meetings or job interviews proving equally lucrative. A good impression should be made on everyone you meet, especially those in authority.

Saturday 28th January

Winds of change

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 28th to 30th January 2023. Exact 29th January

Intense emotions will ensure an active and lively love life. Winds of change are now blowing away emotional cobwebs and reviving forgotten feelings of romance. Accept any invitations that come your way as they could lead to a passionate, enduring encounter. Creativity at work should also be enhanced.

Also on Saturday


Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Neptune from 28th to 30th January 2023. Exact 29th January

This will be a day to escape reality; everyone needs to lose themselves occasionally in delightful daydreams. With enough positive thought and action, these dreams could eventually come true. Love will be of the most pure, selfless kind. If you both open your hearts there could be a merging of souls rarely felt. Surround yourself with beauty.

January 31st 2023 onwards to February 11th 2023

Willing to help

Transiting Jupiter Conjuncts your natal Venus

Start of new 11-12 year period of 'believing in love'

During this period you will sort out any problems in your personal relationships. You've had enough of upheavals, changes and unnecessary arguments. Now you crave some peace and quiet.

You may be called upon to give emotional or financial support to a close friend, lover or member of the family. This is quite a turn-around because recently you've been the one who has needed other people to lean on.

But at last the burdens and troubles of the past seem to be fading away and now you will enjoy being, and talking, with friends. Your social life should improve and you may even decide to throw a party!

Love and romance will emanate warmth, tenderness and security. Just for now, you seem to have found the perfect balance between freedom and commitment. Past problems of jealousy, envy and pettiness will disappear.

It is going to be hard to resist the temptation to spend lots of money on beautiful objects, either for the house, or personal objects like clothes and adornments. But cash flow is still likely to be somewhat unsteady, so don't waste and squander money on items that will just end up sitting in a drawer.

Another word of warning - beware over-indulgence in food and drink, whatever is your weakness. By all means enjoy yourself, but remember: 'all things in moderation!'

February 2023

Wednesday 8th February

Unusual steps

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 8th to 10th February 2023. Exact 10th February

Expect some disruption to your love life during this time. Either you, or your partner, may take unusual steps to either inject some fresh life into a present relationship; or one of you will start to look for something new - a love that is more unpredictable and exciting. Love affairs started now are likely to be exhilarating and electrifying, but short lived.

Monday 13th February

Fun-loving mood

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mars from 13th to 16th February 2023. Exact 15th February

Boosted by relentless vitality and energy, you are likely to be in a positive and fun-loving mood. This is a great time for parties and any type of social gathering; a time for attracting new friends and new lovers. Business and financial negotiations could prove extremely lucrative, particularly if setting up new and original deals.

Tuesday 14th February


Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Venus from 14th to 16th February 2023. Exact 16th February

Feeling sociable and easy going, why not take this opportunity for a pleasant, lazy get-together with close friends, lovers or family. As feelings of love should be easily expressed, problems could now be talked through and resolved. Business and career matters should also proceed smoothly.

Wednesday 15th February


Transiting Venus Trines your natal Saturn from 15th to 18th February 2023. Exact 17th February

Now is the time to sort out problems in personal relationships. If you are unattached you could now be drawn to a new relationship with the promise of a stable, secure and lasting love. One of you is likely to be more mature than the other, either in age or experience. A connection with the past could also stir old memories.

Saturday 18th February


Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Moon from 18th to 21st February 2023. Exact 20th February

Feeling dreamy and romantic, you will want to spend time with someone you love, probably in the comfort and security of home. Nostalgia will cause you to contact friends from the past, or just talk over 'the good old days' with close loved ones. Contact with women, especially your mother, could bring positive results. The temptation to overeat or drink may be hard to resist.

Tuesday 21st February

On the rocks

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 21st to 23rd February 2023. Exact 23rd February

Rocky and unstable relationships could now crumble, or you may look elsewhere for emotional and physical satisfaction. Therefore, secret love affairs are now possible. You may now also choose to escape into the past as a welcome relief from the problems and responsibilities of the present. Postpone major financial decisions until stability returns into your life.

Friday 24th February


Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Venus from 24th to 26th February 2023. Exact 25th February

Love is the keyword during this period. Existing love affairs are likely to be strengthened and rekindled, so do not be surprised if your partner suggests a more long-term commitment. New romance also looks promising. The temptation to buy items of luxury and beauty will be hard to resist. Go ahead - treat yourself! You may even feel like throwing a party.

Also on Friday

Good conversation

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 24th to 26th February 2023. Exact 25th February

Your relaxed and sociable mood will be contagious, with much laughter, happiness and, probably, wine flowing between friends. This is also a great time to 'clear the air' and talk through any problems with your lover. It will be easy to tell someone you love them. Finances and business negotiations look good; you will be able to get your message across.

Monday 27th February

Taking it easy

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Ascendant from 27th February 2023 to 1st March 2023. Exact 28th February

Do not plan anything too strenuous during this period, as you are likely to be too pre-occupied with taking it easy and having fun. Why not plan a party? You will enjoy sharing these feelings of affection, warmth and love with friends. Telling someone just how much you love them will strengthen the emotional tie between you. A bonus could also come your way, so why not treat yourself to some well-deserved luxuries!

Rooney's Planetary Positions

April, 17th 1985 Local Time Unknown Universal Time 5:00 PM

Bedford, New York, United States 41°12'N, 73°38'W

All times based on current location of Bedford, United States


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Quincunx Saturn
Sun Trines Neptune
Sun Opposes Pluto
Moon Conjuncts Mercury
Moon Conjuncts Venus
Moon Semisquare Jupiter
Moon Trines Saturn
Moon Squares Neptune
Mercury Conjuncts Moon
Mercury Conjuncts Venus
Mercury Squares Neptune
Mercury Sextiles Chiron
Venus Conjuncts Moon
Venus Conjuncts Mercury
Venus Semisquare Mars
Venus Squares Neptune
Venus Sextiles Chiron
Mars Semisquare Venus
Mars Opposes Saturn
Mars Conjuncts North Node
Jupiter Semisquare Moon
Jupiter Squares North Node
Jupiter Trines Chiron
Saturn Quincunx Sun
Saturn Trines Moon
Saturn Opposes Mars
Uranus Semisquare Pluto
Uranus Quincunx North Node
Neptune Trines Sun
Neptune Squares Moon
Neptune Squares Mercury
Neptune Squares Venus
Neptune Sextiles Pluto
Neptune Sesquiquadrate North Node
Pluto Opposes Sun
Pluto Semisquare Uranus
Pluto Sextiles Neptune
North Node Conjuncts Mars
North Node Squares Jupiter
North Node Quincunx Uranus
North Node Sesquiquadrate Neptune
Chiron Sextiles Mercury
Chiron Sextiles Venus